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DIY White Fluffy Stool

Fluffy white stools seem to be everywhere at the moment and I quickly became obsessed. Finding one however that isn't hundreds of pounds proved to be difficult. So I decided to be an adult, not spend all my money and actually make one/refurbish one. After a trip to my Grans I rehomed this little stool. Finding a stool in an antique shop or furniture shop for under £25 was not happening. Although if my Grans house failed I was going to go to Ikea. They have a little £3 metal one that would have worked just as well. 

I spent around £20 to refurbish this one. All I bought was gold spray paint, white fluffy fabric and some foam for the seat. I cut the fabric and foam to size and used a hot glue gun to attach to the underside of the stool and then sprayed the legs gold before reassembling it. The little holes in the legs will be getting sorted once my dad returns from his holiday because my DIY skills don't stretch that far....But I love my little stool and i managed to use the left over paint to spray my make up brush  pots so everything matches and everyone is happy! 


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