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NYX Butter Gloss

So NYX have landed in Boots! (YAY!) Just not any of the stores near me...:(. Livingston is where I managed to pick these guys up. I haven't actually checked the Boots in Edinburgh, I'm scared if they stock it I will never have money again. They had a double sided stand all dedicated to NYX, yes, double sided! All very overwhelming. I panicked slightly but managed to control myself and only picked up two of their Butter Glosses. I have heard everyone rave about the Soft Matte lip Creams but matte lip products just seem a lot of work for me, my lips are already quite dry so thought I would start with these. 

I picked up two shades, I went for "Madeleine" which is a soft pink nude and "Devils Food Cake" which is a dark berry purple. These little guys smell like cake and all the names are cake related! what more could you want?! They are also so pigmented for a gloss and quite long lasting. They are a little sticky which I personally like, I think it helps them last. Also means they fade without going patchy which is always a bonus with dark lip gloss. You can pick them up for £5 each which for the quality of the products is amazing. So far so good NYX, I shall be back!......


DIY White Fluffy Stool

Fluffy white stools seem to be everywhere at the moment and I quickly became obsessed. Finding one however that isn't hundreds of pounds proved to be difficult. So I decided to be an adult, not spend all my money and actually make one/refurbish one. After a trip to my Grans I rehomed this little stool. Finding a stool in an antique shop or furniture shop for under £25 was not happening. Although if my Grans house failed I was going to go to Ikea. They have a little £3 metal one that would have worked just as well. 

I spent around £20 to refurbish this one. All I bought was gold spray paint, white fluffy fabric and some foam for the seat. I cut the fabric and foam to size and used a hot glue gun to attach to the underside of the stool and then sprayed the legs gold before reassembling it. The little holes in the legs will be getting sorted once my dad returns from his holiday because my DIY skills don't stretch that far....But I love my little stool and i managed to use the left over paint to spray my make up brush  pots so everything matches and everyone is happy! 


DIY Bedside Tables

A couple years ago when I finished university I got the opportunity to decorate the guest room in my parents house, this is something that greatly excited me as I have a little love of interior design. Anyway this clearly didn't go so well seeing as all I managed to do before they moved house was turn two little brown bedside tables with three drawers each into two little grey bedside tables with 1 drawer each. See the below picture. Excuse the tape marks. 

Second time around I finally finished them and it only cost me around £20. Im so proud of how they turned out! DIY queen right here! 
So I thought I would share what I did. Some furniture just looks so bland and it can be really easy to make them look way more expensive and unique without spending a ridiculous amount. 

All I did was buy some furniture paint, handles and storage baskets. You will also need two pieces of wood to fit onto the bottom of the drawers, if like mine they didn't have a bottom to them. 

Just few coats of paint, a coat of wax, new handles and the storage boxes and they looked brand new. I am so happy with them and I'm glad I went with the bold colour rather than grey. I am very much a monochrome person so the blue was rather bold for me!
